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OIL COLLAPSE: Economic Turmoil in 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

of my mind and what is top of mind if it's given point in history you know I think the most interesting thing right now is collapsing oil prices it really is a leading in the care and it is a massive macroeconomics shift and how the world does business how it affects consumers and what's happening to you pull it when we discussed in length we talk about how it's just a mere convenient coincidence that target specifically the enemies of the West at targets Latimer Putin government at targets Russia exports 30% in Europe by which two European Union depends on its recent - principally one of the salia lead Ave Prince Halloween between 20 30 plus 1 billion dollars that's a fraction fracking companies in fracturing companies here which now the US is Lorde's producer in the world just miraculously since the 2008 financial collapse targeting Russia and also targeting a nuclear-armed around in this is also hurting Saudi Arabia international check in a head on collision course with you looking at oil prices today I see well at 45 bucks of barrel WTI western Texas Intermediate crude and also Brent crude
reaching aperitif geopolitical war between the East and the West Eurasian Union in the eastern China is organizing a counterpoint to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank has class its been cut in half since oil prices are collapsing attempting to use its reserves at least temporarily stabilize the ruble and its currency has been going to China for lunch in China has been lending the money isn't it interesting that China now seems to be the kingpin of the world in the United States superseded by the East because it's changing our people ask why is it a bad thing that gas prices are falling isn't this good for the consumer isn't this stainless isn't as good for truckers isn't a good for me and my family yes it is in that respect but it is catastrophic for other countries namely Russia Venezuela nucular nuclear with your economy suffering inflation taking root in your society example you're not getting into the Russian people the grocery store Venezuela is in the midst of riots if not about to boil over in revolution because of these policies stabilization campaign arguably potentially Saudi Arabia in cahoots with sprints Halloween whatever his name is Hill say that again this is mere coincidence but actually believed in a Warren Buffett here in the United States he says one thing but what's more to watch as what they're doing oil is until we see some stability and oil prices in there's been in the world it's also very dangerous time for a financial markets I think the oil could go as well as 35 bucks apparel Saudi's has said they're willing to withstand with prices in the twenties if need be in a quart into bankruptcy this will lead to fracturing companies in United States going out of business people losing their jobs people than reaching out to me via email shutdown Christopher​  why you're seeing people like the lights undertaken Kramer now having to succumb to the fact that yeah this make me a short term benefit for the consumer which makes up two-thirds of GDP here in the United States in the super lovers society that we live this Kim Kardashian Lala affect corporate earnings until we have political instability we have this intense game of chicken and again I don't really think it's safe for work so to speak until we see some stability oil prices in a speculator's looking for a profit from this you know is there a way to buy you a long term or long futures contracts in the oil market could have potentially be good opportunity paradigm shift that were experiencing right now are we transitioning from $100 a barrel of oil between kind of the game for years now to something completely different about the change with us fracturing instead of having to make an investment in a oil in 13 years for to pan out in a matter of months now so if there's a effect in terms of their ability to produce oil introduced Moore supply at will experience has been for years now experience for decades now Miss game of chicken are current right now between between companies between the East Russia it's a Taurus what we have this political movement in the Ukraine a paradigm shift in the petrodollar but also our relationship with international financial markets and the rest of the world it's no longer speculative they are experiencing deflation there any mass of deflation era environment they have zero interest rates be Germany new round of quantitative easing on the coattails what we've seen here in the United States of America the death to fabricate and fake Obama maybe the US president is realigning itself with Saudi Arabia maybe were falling out with r1 also a possibility conveniently right before a set of the Union address right before he's going to make this major push for new internet censorship reinvigorate things like cyst but in Seoul bus allegedly switch my personal humble opinion I think was a false flag with orchestrated by the State Street Empire until it hits the blame on North Korea are everybody's favorite target the president can push for this new legislation is a reason a justification why we need the surveillance state why we need the police thats why the NSA has been committing it illegal in traitorous anti constitutional act against the American people and convenient hack away from Isis up front for the CENTCOM website on YouTube and Twitter accounts all can mean it going to go off what would happen what happens if a child is born sometime is correct in the fact that there is a nuclear US sanctions on Russia as a result of this game of chicken with olive oil prices in this precipitous drop in crude European and global financial markets change the perspective of the American people gas prices at incredibly​  prob of America in wheel prices hanging about $150 a barrel before dropping precipitously I believe into the middle thirties I think was the wall somewhere in that ballpark for saying the same thing happen now that the US stock market doesn't seem to be following suit some stability in oil markets once. Things continue to see blood on the streets in week we get very severe pain stock market fall out soon be an opportunity for the Federal Reserve not to act not to raise interest rates in Europe to ride the coattails of a new of quantitative easing European Union which is arguably breaking apart at the seams today country Greece with the uprising of de cereza Party movement that anti bailouts movement of the potential from the eurozone many other countries potentially to follow you see the New World Order is arguably trying to hold on to what it created but I think there's a bigger picture here see the bigger picture is disintegration of places like mirrors on a Mac Pro ship in the oil market the petrodollar etc so the New World Order elite so to speak I can push for that true agenda dairy agenda of unity unity in this country and abroad as long as people agree with it you know Donald sterling for example is a perfect example of being crucified because people believed his Clippers team refused to put out any images of the Prophet Muhammad on their program so that they would refuse to put the new cover of Charlie have new magazine on its website and its media forum again watch oil in my opinion personal humble opinion this is the greatest currently taking place will have profound repercussions of politically economically politically and I believe its leading to war and get out everywhere make it viral hard-hitting

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