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$1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Collapse in 2015- Entire Financial System to Implode in An Hour!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Durban with sd weekly medals and markets joining us this weekend special 4th of july edition of the show is over doctors the side of the golden silver account report so weekly one of most popular culture blues marshall swing that you that we had that the big nfp release early thursday just had a holiday heroes search 288000 above expectation of is the official announcement unemployment rate official and grabbing a 6.1 percent we had actually gone silver into the announcement and typical smash raid on an ounce meant the damned david carradine retraced all of those glasses are with strong i move are sloes grow the second half of the comic session access
market hours here on thursday in service day dreaming backwards 21 um about 50 cent move over there in today lowes algo para in from wednesday trading in gold also with a smash down towards 1313 tan in recover back about 30 2008 it hasn't been able to recover on tuesday and wednesday is hyde mobile tuesday and wednesday gold magnum door 1330 ashley briefly trading above i'm sorry 1330 pretty close above 1300 brasov house for the week so what's your game starts you're my next couple of weeks i know that the last few months you still in predicting la big smash to come before the big move the mall to take on a non farm payrolls are my first question would be how many of those are high paying jobs professional jobs were there in the manufacturing sector or whether there in the fashion all sectors know how many of those are well paying jobs i guess is not enough things that we're singer in the service sector low prm that nearly pulling people to work in adt sectors is not by a long shot don't come close to anything to ealing this country but plugs of capital flows like martin armstrong say what happened in those travel flows or are creating positions but when you look at the help with the people in the country inn basically what does civil service. Who is the realisation of the economy has no interest on the 15 mid 2010 + student loan forgiveness on a program into play their expected within the next 2 buy some other forms of the economist o'dowd and inability to create jobs this is the first reaction to record a picture more widely understood by the people on main street and wall street price action gold and silver at stock market invest with everything spacing in the reformation trade with the expectation of it is your pet sitter in the middle tomorrow shop with gold and silver very near more time on ties i'm a lot of people starting to get excited again about gold and silver so what's your take a we going to a c a continuation of the move deleter listen server backup 26 at the end of the year in a go back to bed too early to test a critical 1600 level or do you think we'll still see a big cartel smash that you have i ever get a previously what you see you looking like a right now marshall mathers, google on what you said and nisha week let me google starting to get excited in the reality however is difference what they should be excited about was womens silver was it 18 year old was it 1259 signet ring looks like me because i buy opportunity antibiotic trinity lifetime decide which is just a technical observation by me what i am not changing any of my prediction for this far as we have a crash the years to come i think that that crashed on slides with the economic collapse next year are the crash could come prior to or just before the economic collapse in albir worldwide economic collapse dolls who are or have heard my interview on true news yesterday um i need a note on true on the interview there with holes required and i are declared the next year of the earth the economic collapse are happens around the start of daniel's 70th week in biblical prophecy in the book of daniel and revelation nmr describe other places and i and i made out with the azimuth assured mt920 by the way but what i am what i am saying is mick blue crash is common we have hundreds of writers who write about the crash that is commonly know that girl is coming with nothing there anybody can do to stave off the grid of bobo the existing up around the world weather is 1.1 quadrillion dollars in a bar boots 11.5 quadrillion dollars in a bubble i suspect that it's even higher but there are derivatives out there that aren't even recorded there would be my guest we know are the covers the whole of financial sector of the world and nobody hears without protection and they hold up a physical hard assets in their possession and they have paid for it in for so there is no protection and beyond that, me scene silver haired 2117 a couple minutes ago and away from me because i've seen an article about 3 weeks ago or two weeks ago but i thought we would not be surprised if we saw price rise because what we had seen was a wave of speculators are provisions taken as shorts so when the boy in banks crb short positions been taken by the speculators they know that they do not want to crash the system right now they have an appointed time next year that i want to crash the system and if it were to crash now they have their act together to do the things that they intend to do so what they did is a drove of silver and gold price kieran last couple of weeks or two and a half weeks and they are growing up so that although speculator shorts with training starts with beetroot are and that they would fill in at the same time that they were forced to sell of course they didn't say what the prize winners that's with tourettes the price went up too quickly they had to sell at higher price in the last in a massive amount of money we can of level bath right now you know we're going to see the same kind of icarly depression set in in will see you at the gradual were decline and rise your does not appear to me the bullion banks want to take any more shorts from the speculators speculators were betting on the short game i want to give them hope that the shorts but they do have right now i'm gonna pay off in the long run continue the organ that's my take on it i just to clarify for a listener's marshall if we do see a complete collapse of the western financial system in 2015 know what is your thoughts on what are the look like for gold and silver and reduce a crash on the 28 and blow and go back to web 650 s  the gonville straight into the future and that is gonna throw gold and silver to astronomical prices latest mash in an umbrella to record label yes in and when i put your record levels are you say record levels i think we could use with you talking about 100 200 500 dollar silver we could easily be talking about 10000 15000 20000 goyeah i know and rizzle numbers are which i take a picture if we have bank holiday things like that truth is gold price determination to be discovered 0 you take eric carmen the market trading here over the past week are we looking at intermediate that appear in a potential reach out of a 20 dollar break out in silver or short-term a dripping through a period of consolidation am going to go higher still probably test 25 dollars oval kill the 24th. For an errand for reporting in degrees   you'll be here in the story is affecting our precious metals markets this week in edser jp morgan ceo jamie dimon being diagnosed with cancer in charing before the show will be profoundly office primejailbait who is that in line to replace jamie dimon as ceo of jpmorgan muscle strain after that he is expecting wired masters to make a triumphant return i a trader carson would be surprised to see a nother said the deadly be set up for a term dates reading the bible purple away the fact that be the president surface pro choice i photos it's just i don't speculate speculation affect yeah i think precious metals investors are they can i have a villain that continues at the post or when i see the doctor when you said that i'm expecting blythe i'm expecting her but i'm suspicious that she could be the one she is the one more responsible than anybody else vouchers for the big help with jp morgan in my estimation through the book the commodity used but you are so groovy you are doing that they made with regard to add relatives are so um i don't think anybody else that was her baby that was her idea back on my knees for roles of the nineties are the late eighties that wasn't right one in king and refreshing by ron and hermione you know the date of birth of the dummy head sansa and general generally pregnant with your name meaning that the fountain blue hotel in miami i get rid about that were true the whole idea of bruner's was bergerac bender at hotel and stayed there before and after an adverb just a beautiful place but the greek the way she gives money by ups responsible for the help of jpmorgan in the last.​ undergo the chemicals in a chemo treatment that can negative affect your immune system in a person if we die of something altogether different that correct yes that's correct and the radiation as well as a chemo and radiation really in its the immune system and that's why when you're being treated for any cancer with chemo and radiation you're the incidence of a new cancer sky record versus someone is not and going tree mint and also medically from mr diamonds case holder the weather in the press reports in regular cargo no big deal with curly 3 because it is lymph system so its not a very good sign of a barrier metastasized any other organs train times and fares system at base with. Dryer a barrier to 2000 cds so um it's really icy not a very good prognosis is not staged for with her meds now i say to the liver a colon and now you have active cancer that's but metastasize the rest of body but in lymphatic system not just topically and throat so much is a cancer case then the weather in press release would make a sound if you don't have any medical better training training my own logo background as soon as i have informally been married to someone who has a medical background and then course knows you know i recently was remarried in philippines in may do some one of you for  up who their head nurse of the doctors hospital but the course i haven't been able to do that this with her as she does not do on college e r booby boob you have they found cancer patients better arsenal this means that very interesting to hear i'm not even heard it was a lymphatic system issue yeah i wasn't that much emphasis on the fact in a report but if you are the details are included i want to give us a quick update and physical market here in the us before a wrap up the show me and i'm really haven't seen too much of a change of the past week really across the spectrum gold and silver retail investment products are readily available now i'm even bother the prime around in the sunshine around an hour earlier vilbel 90 percent silver has really am freed up at 8 weeks are the first 6 months of the year are so removing a bath of 18 and above 20 and we find missing some sellers many brendan gleeson spy come back into the market at the top of the veil ability in​

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