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World Bank Scandal & JFK killed over Gold Backed Dollars - Karen Hudes

Sunday, December 28, 2014

​Could this be the proper time is amir non stop resource i think so i'm yours newbury cup in brazil resources just trays 6.4 million dollars oversubscribed placements with the biggest management. Kiss your pc capital strategies legendary investor wickwar brewery sources of seizing the opportunity and dad c** on your skin on heels of the world bank she would the legal department the royal bank from 1986 to 2703 adding me on at cannizaro as a world bank whistleblower i use her as he loves you what did you blow the whistle on corruption what are
reported whilst if there was a group inside the world bank this above the bar at the time i didn't realise the same group was part of a huge conspiracy in the entire world and what i was reporting with it being filmed in particular i have been working in the philippines and there was a project where are the president of the philippines where are robbing the countries are in the world thank you card director was trying to disperse a project that thing that it ended in a huge banking to test your feet with the second largest bank of the philippines for a 500 million dollars in the world end. Japanese girl and evaluation department and tonic the board that are there was no way that the people at the world where is i hope that this was a problem that was corruption and he trying out this field project in the philippines in a bag and i will start interview for the job interview at 1 a.m. Fb why is it that there was a revolving door for general counsel i said that's because the world bank is not in compliance that's a buzz word that means when a bank like the world big issue and allah's wrath of bong can i get a cover at that means that money is going the wrong way in so i knew they had been trying to resolve this corruption and the problem has not been resolved so on inside arm tattoo cover up problem the problem is i did what i went up the corporate ladder i went to the i like us treasury department work out with us congress and when that didn't work at the world am i say at worldwide each and every um i found out international organisation of supreme audit institution with all the whistleblower of the world and arm when are in coalville is a scottish and uk parliament website um a very accurate are the power transition model is due to split of ions in computer modelling that model is 92 95 percent accurate it is predicting defy corruption that has been clicked in the world turns out for millennia is coming down tredz armani na na free minute for me to play the market what makes you think you can i get a like people like you nan and snowdon in another whistleblowers ten to follow up there's not there's no awareness there is no change iona's feel very well either way um i'm a mainstream media should be a letting people know that he is part of the matrix stream media is owned and controlled by the sea in our group that is are the owners of the bank for international settlements that's the thing its charging interest on countries debt that's not logical what is a scare what's supposed to happen if i supposed to have issued by their governments directly which does he carry interest and that it switch on at kennedy was trying to do in the reason why he was assassinated lincoln was doing with my lincoln was assassinated and that's why people don't know in their history the connection between us because there is this product group trying to make people dance and i we learnt about this group because of us remastered edition technology that rocked data on arms all of the countries and capital markets companies and i actually one group its are they take the same directors on boards interlocking directors so the day really one banking and that group is going around buying a politician or secret societies like the knights of malta are gatekeepers and one of those nights of malta avenue he forced it gets martin dempsey so although the united states has a very powerful military that military has been corrupted now that we have we have any people do not know for example that died in charleston south carolina are nuclear device detonated on october 8th standard step cartoon heroes make sure the 5th of the coast and i told people about that because dia naval communications at 5ft the fact that there was a nuclear device when was nuclear explosion it was the 8th of october​ but i couldn't get back in the door because he loves company called alliedbarton which arm provides security personnel let me in the door and then i found out the most incredible thing that i didn't understand the time and that is that there is much more gold in the world are people know about and that might have been the reason why the general counsel at work for the organisation of petroleum exporting countries before he came to the world egg and lemon for 10 years and then he put me on the philippines i found it out most of the world's gold is very nice and the south because there's a joint bank alor your name was going to try to contact me and all of its it's um in touch with each other for almost a year now all the documentation ferdinand marcos without the person who took actor called from the six hundred thousand metric tons of gold and i guess why they keep the secret of the things like if they want to meet up with the gold price down they good for the matter with goal right now because it's not your fault tied up with you know how far would you have to have money yeah so they've been there are the elite of the world instead of crawling documentation in a trust fund authorised signatory is wolfgang struck off gang structure to withdraw that gold what he wanted to do with it. Told me he's prepared to do with it is with john f kennedy was doing just before he was shot 10 days before john f kennedy was assassinated by he had found something called the green hilton agreement hilton is hilton hotel and that agreement provided that they would be going out to the united states to underpin dollars did john f kennedy actually printed up the uncut dollars there in the united arab at general dempsey on the 2nd of december a town hall meeting i said since john f kennedy was assassinated by the jesuits and i we know this because i can be there when he got out of jail mario world tour by the jesuits to fire the killers shot at work 20 hours br5 after that start with l can we see the jesuits an apple a day to remember the roman catholic are is it an elite group of priests are there not peace theory for the vatican can they are in control of the vatican wealth and through the centuries from the 15 hundreds day has been an assassin eating pubs kings crescent the reformation the protestant are they were the ones​ people have written many many many box but because the arm of the economic arm strength of these groups which app bribe their way through all the latest offer example the democrats and republicans for the congress did you know for example constitution 1871 archery targets for the working do i n needles are application that's when we got a second constitution of the united states is incorporated as a company and the president of united states is the chief executive officer and the congress acts like managers of the company rather than representing the constituency first constitution and this is this is understood by a number of people there's a lot of documentation on this now starting to spread the world artist course you're not gonna get this owned and controlled by this update because you have an unquestioned authority when it comes the government and central banks from the public and then you have the media who is controlled as you have ulan whistleblowers and alicia millionaire 5 million people on an Internet the follow up what can i use vs the world in in what year olds here not exactly what we have is we have the Internet and we had is very powerful political science modelling tool that predicted coalitions in a predicted that the people of this planet did not want to be dominated by the economic force mike does not nick wright and nobody is above the law and so it predicted that if we kept going to take back the rule of law in the world and so what you're saying i can pass out for you because i have the right to all of the countries and i've been in touch with us congress of this time when i was three letters to the world excited when they fired me i was um i didn't understand what it happened but i could understand this place which said that if i kept going that i was going to be able to work together with coalition and that it will happen to do something of the brics countries brazil russia india china and south africa they have their own development day they are no longer using dollars rate at 25 percent of international trade uk lawyer told me after i got my statement on the uk parliament that i should go to the credit rating agencies so i did for lowered and that's when eric holder for the us now there's a ford credit rating agency called the universal credit rating is created by russia and china​  but it has the congress text instead of doing its job representing its it's supposed to be a trader eldar manager for a corporation. This is something a north american understand and there will be a constitutional convention and we will take back in our constitution that we will not have as archieve rvi a man who won the us dollar to crash on titanic do you say they want a dollar crash to me it is ivy league in a an excuse my ignorance but why would i want to download crash if everything is working for them right now they control the world so what is what is the resolution of the dollar crash in ukraine today temp control separate disc in little pieces ok yes there is people want to know how i can say that's because god is a very good indicator and we are now in a situation where when you are going to buy gold for immediate delivery the price is higher then if you were to take delivery of the gold in the future that's cold gold backwardation that is a red alert i just had an interview with the world's leading man that's one fine if you look in the comics market and out of gold is just about um depleted is also something called lee singer called where the central bank will release they stop doing that in july call back now we are on the very edge of something called come back with a shin that means that add people will not sell their gold worth any price because they know that peter is paper and gold is gold they have lost confidence in the fear if that is allowed to proceed an app then we will enter something very similar to the dark ages we won't be able to pay for international trade we will have passed away this and that is not there be allowed to have ok um what what will be the upward what are they striking together what is the currency do they want the control of the christ die every day by turn on my computer i'm getting e-mails from somebody who's trying to pretend like they have a right to the world called which is given its most of it is in the philippines in a lot of it is in the eye doctor and if my disco ball on to humanity condition on this cold which simply say that its and it's going to benefit humanity it's going to replace the paper currency that we have interest free car tax dollars are not going to do that ok son of god talk about that​  maps in the previous ice age dr remnants of their situations are over the place a lot of time along the coast its managed because the yarn amount of the sea level is can i buy 400 metres just group has large bring their 30 in a is a different species made it their offspring with the infidel 38a was just texted they have a scar all over the place to start because they have been on earth with us after the ice age they want that many of them and so they been hiding in one of the places to stay the night in the vatican amp and wearing those metres it turns out that that's also with a priest why are in the early beginning of judaism moses was actually um akhenaten i know this because street pattaya of it was taken from one of the trucks about this to people they doing archaeology in israel and the reason is it bad to be if you keep human beings under control by divide and conquer using our money system organised religion trying to get to hate people of different religious faiths will kill each other off so they do people in the back after dark could stay in what can i say i could use butterfly come my cannot get through our history ok can you you are an attorney wexler will be between what you're saying is this is on the fringe of conspiracy it sounds crazy so you had to come to terms with this what have you seen that that has made you sell car pulling to access a descaler stop publicly because i sent an e-mail to a fellow in portugal in the next day he went to a meeting and he sent me that e-mail saying that at that meeting up xcode individual with bright blue eyes another person in touch with dr edward spencer the one who started telling me about this end song please hang up and running around um discos are all over this planet its it's not a conspiracy theory just because this group likes to hide yeah yeah mike stewart youtube people having conspiracy theories doesn't make these facts​ pub liverpool goals 2013 size are babies and documentation of some sort to get a big old is there with documentation everything is ok there is a lot of gold in switzerland in the union bank of switzerland and there is a lot of gold in a central bank of the philippine its they're real gold what i mean its it's a knockout but i think it is illegal or not i've got it baby if you talkin bout you know i terminate after repatriate it's cold and was told that it had to wait for 7 years by the federal reserve act of war when it comes to go why do you think older son porn because it is truly split you got you got a minute finite supply of gold publicly but you're saying there's four five times more than their state of publicly to what is son porn about gold if you look through history call has been accepted at currency you can take that away from gold it has maintained its not you its a store of value can i nominate someone would like to reach out to you or learn more about the work you doing what can i go to my website gets kthehu d e and there's a contact page this documentation there and i can give you proof of every single statement i've made with unity enemy be a few weeks are a mother to i will appreciate your time i know you're a busy person in your and you're doing your best to get are the saxon inn and details of information that you have found in a you want to come to life you really would like to are you know how people wear for nn1 about what is one thing that kind of that you just one release trust everybody everybody i think people have got to reach out to their neighbours and friends can work together to lift this veil of secrecy it's just like toto​

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