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Monday, January 26, 2015

but there is a Harvard economist that disagrees with that he just took a million dollar out of Bank of America and he said he's probably going to go ahead and create a bank run on Bank of America cut of that now this is a Burnham he's an ardent critic of the Fed he writes why do I risk of starting a run-on Bank of America by withdrawing my money and presuming that many fellow depositors will read this and Russia to withdraw to because they pay at 0 interest explained that Bank of America may be unwilling or unable to return his money should one of a number of different circumstances arise such as depositors any more money back on math or if the investments of which 90% depositors money bank of america has ballooned out to cover go bust so I'm here to Sky he's a million dollars in the bank and basically you'd be better off if he just stuck at money in the under his bed and mattress because when he goes to take it out the bank
will put the capital controls on and say I'm sorry we need that to cover these whiskey invented that we made with your money that we pay u 0 interest on silly American what were you thinking but addition he points out that the FDIC which arm feels so Security unemployment money in the bank because they guaranteed to insure deposits up to $250,000 he points out the FDIC only has about 40 1 billion in reserve against six trillion in insured deposit so I mean you can do the math there now this Harvard economist he pins the blame on the government intervention in specifically Ben Bernanke and reserved for pursuing absurd quantitative easing policies he said he's going on rival in the US as it has every other time it has been tried from Weimar journey to Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe another elite insider also agrees with Burnham he was one who predicted the massive economic crash in 2012 he says now that there's a very large probability of the real end of the world scenario might come March 4th 2014 he says the Doomsday Clock will ring then because the US economy may Foley crash around that date which will in turn bring down all world Honneamise and all hope of any recovery for the foreseeable future now he predict that interest rates will skyrocket businesses will fail unemployment will go to record levels Force Materiel and food shortages and major social on​ and they say that if the US government doesn't raise the debt ceiling it's going to have a generational effect meaning that a depressive and environment could last for our entire lifetime which is very frightening now who knows what's going to happen around March 4th or whatever but all I can say is that are some major economist and the US Treasury this but I don't really believe anything they say but Mother major economies are saying we need to be prepared for this something is happening and it burns words don't send a chill down your spine they've definitely send a chill through the market we have seen the Dow Jones all a thousand points and this is been since its height in December which we haven't seen it fall more than 200 points in over a year I mean that's it's moving average so many believe that this is the beginning of a major stock decline now Peter Schiff has the crisis is a minute I don't think Obama is going to finish his second term without a bottom dropping out of stock market there are the investors there are oblivious to these problems and the global financial markets are also becoming extremely unstable not for anyone who doesn't believe that we can see civil unrest here in America like what these economies are talking about just take a look at what happened in Seattle people there were a lighting things on fire burning historical buildings damaging buildings falling down street signs going crazy because their team won the Superbowl and acting crazy  if there was a total economic collapse and no one can find any job or any income for an extended period of mine how would you answer to tell you about how you can help spread Liberty worldwide also enjoying

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