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Why You MUST Get Your Money Out of the Bank NOW!

Monday, January 26, 2015

 is evident no one will deny that there is a collapse about to take place in fact in many ways it is already underway I'm going to go through 10 of the different reasons why that is sold by no means the only reasons these are just 10 that  chose from a list that I will provide to you in a description of this video number one the homeownership rate in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in 19 years this means the people are unable to afford homes the trend has reversed with the subprime mortgage crisis and even though interest rates are rock bottom right now people are still unable to afford homes in the United States and they are forced to become renters this is a growing trend and will continue to spread throughout the US and other countries around the world number to consumer spending for durable goods has dropped by 3% since November people are simply unable to buy what they need to because their debt has been maxed out and they are simply unable to afford anymore as  will talk
about further the food stamps and other social assistance programs are at all time highs right now number three major retailers are closing stores at the fastest pace that we've seen since the collapse of Lehman Brothers so I have to the financial crisis Lehman Brothers have collapsed and this Center shockwave through the system and has stated hear major retailers start a clothing stores Rapid City and the trend is escalating right now why because people are simply unable to afford those products and what does that say about the economy that is drying up very rapidly number for according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 20% of all families United States do not have a single member that is employed at means that one out of five homes have nobody employed in them that is an extreme number showing the poverty that is spreading across the United States like a wildfire ultimately this will put too much of a burden on the government with the social assistance programs number 5 there are 1.3 million fewer jobs in US economy and when the last recession began in December 2007 and that is at the same time the US having a growing population so you have fewer jobs at the same time you have a growing population is a major disparity that's occurring right here and conceive without ​  after adjusting for inflation men who work full time in America today making less money than men who work full time in America 40 years ago now only a few decades ago two people did not need to work to support that home yesterday his case for most families today and they can barely scraped by many things have changed since then the inflation rates are dramatically higher the word despite with the numbers are showing us because energy prices have risen food prices have risen indeed it does not correspond to the wages of people are getting today number 862 percent of Americans make $20 or less than hour at this point what does that say about the economy when you can get a job but then job is paying you barely enough perhaps half of what you were getting before being laid off and that's the only thing you could takes you into taking it that says that they are calling is our God all of those high paying wages have been shipped overseas all those manufacturing jobs good quality jobs shipped overseas to the third world using taxpayer money and meanwhile the individual here is only able to get a retail position which pay significantly less number 969 percent of the federal budget is spent on entitlements are on welfare programs something in me clear in my book is that they will have to reform the entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare Medicaid these type of things they do not there going to have to go bankrupt but with a action to pull back of these programs the people are going to write so even when we are not as good to be a distraction here somewhere where it happens first we'll have to see a number 10 there are no 49 million Americans that are dealing with food insecurity this to me is the most dramatic of all these statistics when you're the 50 million people are unable to eat without the government's help what does that say about the economy and the fact is that is long gone if they pull that crutch away from the system they will be mass riots in the streets and that's what I see happening if things do not change in an​

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