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Gold, Silver, Oil and 2015 around the Corner

Thursday, January 22, 2015

 good morning welcome back to the genius multichannel let's take a look at some news and discuss old is currently in where it might be headed by the last 3 episode experimented with drive into a video of my iPad be kind of talked about oil and gold solder connections there and just some of the confusion that I proceeded to with oil prices being suppressed and for collapsing as long as that word and gold folding pretty strong relative to the price of oil do you need to get into discussion right now on why or oil is dropping there's tons of theories out there a lot of people talking about it the West punishing some gold currently and what the prices are doing you know it's been fluctuating little bit everyday but currently gold is sitting strong in the mist twelves came down a little bit that's at 12:20 2:40 and sitting at 1709 so what to do
before you don't want to be too obsessed with it to long-term hedge you don't fix what it look at it every day you'll end up with some friends line where did pugs and pretty much to consume their thoughts and are they spend a little bit too much time focusing on gold and silver prices than they should know you're doing right thing holding metal is is a strong position and being debt free is a strong position you're sitting pretty sew let's look at some rumors that are out there was gold in others people selling gold and silver now returning as a monetary asset where they've been and always been a monetary asset but when you look at the recent news of China surpasses us in GDP it's pretty obvious to me that the West United States are entering a new phase as a country as as as a demographic is a people group I think the east is going to start getting some strengths omentum with their economic clout globally and that living in the West like we are if you're with your American it good idea to brace for storm door brace for economic changes to the don't know where the US economy is ultimately headed I don't think it's good to be a blind optimist that I'd like to be optimistic but it's also be prepared to know how your first date if your fire extinguisher but never considered about things so I don't have to go against the yen here to me article so it says gold drops further from San week is the dollar recovers because as Max Keiser Zoes wise we put it the dollars just over with the most fingers when you look at the the global currencies everyone's having problems the euro yen you want me there's no strong place to be an all these fiat paper houses for the dollar just happens to be a Volvo was likely the strongest one gold just a little bit down the what to dollars and $0.70 that's not the guys I want to also look at this article gold ring at the New York Fed where is it going we talk about gold movement in shipments to me while I haven't been on here for a long time but there's dark shroud and clouds of mystery in the world of bold and the fat and where gold is amazing how he never ceases to amaze me gold is shrouded in legends and stories there's pirates​ ​ in like legends and stories there's pirates and buried treasure People squabbling and fighting and people disappear and get thrown off building that kills it doesn't happen with Apple stock you know if dog is such a useless RK relic then why is it always shrouded under the cloak of absolute darkness and secrecy in Lake the inner sanctum you know government agencies and it's just go over the streets of it is gold also known as: don't charge R Us last week showing a dog dream of the New York Fed gold dropped 42 tons for the month of October as foreign country repatriate their gold poem stop right there a whole thing was Germany called in there gold its continuance countries are calling their gold from the fat go with a second cable charge R Us has a thousands of pages and over 10,000 chart Sun subscription basis bla bla K where's the gold going on at 13 years since 2007 it in Germany and the Netherlands the big ones twos Jansen bowling Star reports the German Gold repatriation is accelerating that's the way it's been for the last year to take to task extremely sloppy Bloomberg reporting regarding German Gold repatriation the Netherlands on November 21st Jenner part of the Netherlands is repatriated 120 2.5 tons of gold in the US the Dutch central bank de Nederlandsche bank DnB has repeat rated indep mo secret a hundred twenty 2.5 tons of gold in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to adults in Amsterdam the Netherlands according to a press release from DMV published today November 21st DMV state of change allocation policy from a lot of percent mentioned in 50 1 percent of the FRBNY twenty-percent Canada 18% Bank of England to 31% 31% 20% Canada 80% of the BOE lot of percent Flight of the Conchords to the world gold Council's less data DMV has 612.5 months in official gold reserves so getting their gold back country be investigating all of its gold reserves 20 countries want their gold back I don't know why would ever even sort of gold somewhere else to begin with if I had hundreds of gold I can assure you I would most definitely be sleeping on the pilot light like a dragon you do not let people hold your gold worth it it's just not answer so if you want to build a Bears channel reception record amounts of gold answer riddle me this Batman Main Street Chinese imports to Hong Kong or down they are but gold imports are up in Shanghai now there are at least 12 and Porter counties under for the sources imports have risen sharply how do we know so sore at solutely syrup so I'm so far 2014 Switzerland has shipped 153 tonnes that's 4.9 million ounces directly to China this represents 50% of what it center Hong Kong 299 the UK Britain has also exported 15 billion pounds not the actual weight value of pounds in gold so far in 2014 if your British you watching this I guess we call Congress were here the US but why your country continues to vomit its gold at the it continues to vomit gold after us the world I mean you sold it to the US under brown or tan brown reached your country's gold and now it's happening so immoral keep your gold in a powerful as long as it was a window to throw it out of soap keep your dog please talk to me doesn't mean anything to you so according to customs at the ships so much gold to China and other parts of Asia that has domestic market tighten significantly importations or no no there's something going on here why other countries hoarding gold we must get the other Chinese want to go to this one here the World Gold Council Port State for the 12 months ending in September 2014 gold demand outside China and India was 1550 ounces but the man from China India global production and even if that's not a hundred percent accuracy of Chinese art by the flavors of gold and silver mined and the percent that still doesn't leave a lot of over the rest of the world consume selling silver and silver prices because they're down as far as everything about of silver was 148 bucks $50 company in a bassinet picked out of all of us if you look at that silver is deeply discounted you always hear now that it's either Dollar underproduction of mine silver if you lost the dollar per ounce but silver is is ripe for the picking games I guess you could say so jumping on some silver prices being as low as they are there Paper Tickets they should probably saw them and buy physical silver prices very low very low indeed and figure out of your mind so bright now 16 $17 out and it shot back up to 48 that's on your mom or a little bit higher percentage chance YZ then bolted safe trip plane going to $6,000 an ounce of moster 5811 house next year I just don't see that the current be interesting to get rid of so much why are silver eagles bald eagles the mixer just trying out these gold and silver coins and gobble up at Record Eagle sales in US mint total three million four hundred twenty six thousand ounces 49% more than last year December sales surpassed 1.1 billion coins at this point alone or with another record-breaking year old silver sell my question is who's buying where's it going India silver imports rose 14% and he currently allocated 745 his portfolio to gold which is a tremendous amount of money he's not alone you're with wire pulling out of your circle the Rings​  just last Friday credits whistled 24 million dollars in US Notebook - Intel stocks the largest offer 14 months that affect the producers of rebound from the next from the nearest Lowes again we just talked about this is another question to ask the bold bears is why are countries repeat 4th and goal Netherlands France Germany Belgium Vine their gold back hurt or acid for nothing you got all these questions to ask and the answer that you and I all really know it's going to 465 centuries 70 century something like that so we don't have to worry about it 50 we do have to deal with it put up with the BS people say that's not viable so that leads us to 2015 where we are almost there in the gutter absolutely incredible probably going to continue to drop if things keep going weather going to look like they will US domestic oil production is increasing. The Bakken oil fields and people claiming he's got the desire of the West to continue punish Russia and suppress their oil prices which is what they're calling me Russia strongly supported based on the price of oil so appalled unfortunately and to quote the great in Tulsa cat professor cat hopefully you guys are still watching him and find his videos interesting there out there who wants said that if I can get this right here in your presence you were sleeping trade wars and trade wars Lee to shooting worst and best frightening because no one wants to see global war and it looks like a razor right now just doesn't seem like the right thing to do but you haven't happy holidays hopefully found it somewhat interested hope you guys are doing great doing well and as always thanks for being part of Junius Maltby Channel hope I can get back into the Sun continued to prevent some kind of biome information there have a good conversation with all of you out there and I​

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